
 - Matthew 6:19-21 -

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


The Bible teaches cheerful, sacrificial, and proportional giving through the church in grateful response to God’s goodness. Christians do not claim any of their possessions as their own, but manage all their resources, including money, time, abilities, and influence, in generous ways that give glory to God. They do not despise the poor but practice mutual aid within the church and share what they have with others in need. God’s people seek to embrace a lifestyle of simplicity and contentment.


All tithes and offerings go to support our ministries and our supported missions initiatives.


Collect at Sunday Service

There is a dedicated time for tithes and offerings during our Sunday worship service. Please put your offering into a tithing envelop, fill out the information on the front of the envelope, and drop it into the offering bag.


By Cheque

By mail   Cheques are welcome via mail. We recommend registered mail to prevent loss or theft during delivery.

Drop off in person   Cheques (no cash will be accepted) can also be physically dropped off at the church office on Fridays. Please contact our church office prior to dropping off your offering.

You may choose to provide post-dated cheques for regular giving.


Online Giving

INTERAC e-Transfer   Those who are familiar with online and mobile banking may wish to give directly through INTERAC e-Transfer. Please click the "e-Transfer Instructions" button below to see the downloadable file with instructions on how to give through INTERAC e-Transfer to ensure that the information you provide is concise and accurate. You will need to provide your offering number in your e-Transfer. If you require an offering number or have misplaced your assigned number, please contact our Ministry Assistant at the church office.

We no longer accept tithing through