Prayer / Family News / Church Activities (March 6, 2022)


  1. Speakers next week: Rev. Rob Thiessen (Joint Service), Clara Chew (Interpreter).
  2. Missionaries S & S (Bible Translation, BC / SE Asia): (a) S is training a new translator, Debbie.  Debbie’s language group has very few believers, but she is also helping a neighbouring group.  (b) S is working towards as a certified Bible translation consultant.  (c) Continue to remember their friend, Norman, to grow in faith in his community in SE Asia and his heart to reach out to a herder community.
  3. Celebration of Life: Vinson Yik (Oscar and Tiffany’s dad) rested in the Lord on February 23rd.  The Celebration of Life service will be held on March 10th, 10am at Richmond Funeral Home, with livestream:  Let us keep Rowena, Oscar, Tiffany and Vinson’s parents in prayers.
  4. For the Church: Pray for the Lord’s healing on Jerome & Amy after the car accident.
  5. Pray for Rev. Enoch Yim of Burnaby Pacific Grace Church and his wife, Winnie’s family: The fire claimed the lives of 3 people: Winnie’s father, her sister-in-law, and nephew.  Winnie’s brother Gerald and mother were discharged from the hospital.  Pray for the Lord’s healing and comfort.  The funeral will be held on March 13th at 1pm, with viewing on March 12th at 5pm.
  6. Pastoral Search: Please pray for the process.
  7. Building Project: The safety of the workers and the completion of the project in 10-12 months.  Take a look of the progress here:
  8. Community: Pray for the protection against the COVID-19, and pray for the government leaders as well as the essential workers.  Also pray for the health workers who are affected by the recent protests.
  9. World: Pray for the war, people and churches in Ukraine.  Also, pray for the MB Missionaries Maxym and Anya there.



  1. Welcome everyone to join our in-person/online worship.
  2. Daylight Saving Time will start next Sunday (March 13th).  Forward your clock by one hour before bed this Saturday (March 12th).
  3. Next Sunday Joint Service at 11am, and there will be in-person Kid’s Worship and Sunday School.  Next joint service is on April 17th.
  4. Next Sunday Prayer Meeting (March 13th, 10am): We will have Rev. Rob Thiessen to share with us BCMB ministry.
  5. Building Project: (i) The goal of the loan is $90,000.  There are 3 loan response forms received with a total of $25,000.  (ii) Faith Pledge: The goal of the pledge is $280,000.  We have received 15 forms with a total of $102,500 pledges last week.  If you haven’t emailed the loan form or pledge form, please email to
  6. Pastoral Search Committee is formed, with members: Pastor George, two deacons: May Ng and Hilda Wong, and three church members: Steven Lee, Wilson Chan and Clara Chew. Positions: (1) Senior Pastor, (2) Cantonese Ministry Pastor.
  7. Ukraine: Brothers and sisters are encouraged to support with donations through the Canadian Red Cross (  Also, please remember the MB Missionaries (aka Multiply), Maxym and Anya in Ukraine (see  The church will support the work of Multiply in Ukraine with a $2,000 one-time support.  In addition, to encourage brothers and sisters involvement, the Missions Department will send all the Missions Fund offerings collected (up till March 13th) to the Ukraine Ministry Project at Multiply as well.



  1. EM Gatherings (Zoom):
    • EPIC Fellowship (Teens; Fridays at 7:30p) – 384 693 6909
    • Thrive Fellowship (College to Age 24; Fridays at 7:30p) – 644 4273 1187
    • SFF (Young Career; Fridays at 7:30p) – 834 6473 7645
    • EM Sunday Classes (Sundays at 9:00a) – 834 6473 7645
    • Church Prayer Meeting (in-person) at 10a
    • EM Worship (Sundays at 11:00 a) – In-person and Zoom 384 693 6909
  1. City of Richmond Adopt-A-Street Program / Prayer Walk: We have adopted Beckwith Road where our new church site is at.  Let us keep the area clean and safe.  The next event will be garbage picking and prayer walk on March 6th, 2:30pm.  In order to maintain social distance, please sign up at or contact William KC Chan or Gabriel Lai through WhatsApp, cell, or email.