Prayer / Family News / Church Activities (December 5, 2021)


  1. Speakers next week: Missionary S (English), Walton Pang (Chinese).
  2. For the Church: Pray for the Lord’s mercy and wisdom.
  3. For One Another: (a) Pray for the Lord’s healing on Jerome & Amy after the car accident.  (b) For Vinson’s rehab, and pray for the family as well.  (c) For the college students who have papers and final exams.
  4. BC Floods: Pray for the MB Family – Arnold Community Church, Broadway Church, Central Community Church, Greendale MB Church, Main Street Church, Sardis Community Church, and Yarrow MB Church as they assist those who have been affected by the flood. Let’s also remember the Abbotsford and Chilliwack city officials and emergency response teams who have been working tirelessly to ensure the safety of those who have been affected.  Pray for families who have lost their family members and properties.
  5. Building Project: The safety of the workers and the completion of the project in 10-12 months.
  6. Community: Pray for the protection against the COVID-19, and pray for the government leaders as well as the essential workers.


  1. Welcome everyone to join our in-person/online worship.
  2. Offering Records for January to November 2021 can be found here.  Contact the office for corrections.
  3. Pastoral News: Pastor William Liu is no longer a church staff as of November 26th.  Let us remember him and his family in prayers.
  4. Deacon Board: Gabriel Fung has submitted his resignation as a deacon.  The board has accepted his resignation.  The role of Financial Secretary will be taken over by Pearl Fung.
  5. BC Flood Response: We encourage you to make a donation for those impacted by heavy rains and flooding.  You can send your donation via Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) at
  6. RPGMBC’s COVID Vaccine Guideline: Please refer to
  7. 2022 Calendar is available.  One copy per family.
  8. Next Week Sunday Prayer Meeting (December 12th, 10am): We will have Missionary S&S to share Bible translation ministry.
  9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) is postponed to December 19th at 2:30pm on Zoom.  Everyone is welcome to join, but must register prior through  Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and the AGM package (2021 AGM Agenda, 2020 AGM Minutes, 2021 Financial Report, 2022 Budget, 2022 Church Events Calendar, and 2022 Departmental Servant Leaders Arrangement).  If you receive no confirmation email after registration, please: (i) check the junk/spam mailbox, and accept all emails from  (ii) Email to resend the confirmation.
  10. Joint Service will be held on December 19th at 11am, and there will be in-person Kid’s Worship and Sunday School.  To encourage friends and families to join us, we will have a joint service and in-person Kid’s Worship and Sunday School once a month.  Next joint service is on January 2nd.
  11. Joint Christmas Eve Service: Due to the recent incidents at church, the Joint Christmas Eve Service is put on hold.  Details will be announced soon.
  12. Administrative Staff: Brittany Tao is on vacation from December 1st, 2021 to January 3rd, 2022, inclusive.


  1. EM Gatherings (Zoom and In-person):
    • EPIC Fellowship (Teens; Fridays at 7:30p) – (On Discord / in-person)
    • Thrive Fellowship (College to Age 24; Fridays at 7:30p) – 384 693 6909 / in-person
    • SFF (Young Career; Fridays at 7:30p) – 834 6473 7645 / in-person
    • EM Sunday Classes (Sundays at 9:00a) – In-person
    • Church Prayer Meeting (Sundays at 10:00a) – In-person
    • EM Worship (Sundays at 11:00 a) – In-person and Zoom 384 693 6909
  1. City of Richmond Adopt-A-Street Program: We have adopted Beckwith Road where our new church site is at.  Let us keep the area clean and safe through garbage picking and snow shovelling during snow seasons.  This activity will be ongoing every two weeks (on either Saturdays or Sundays).  Please sign up at  If you have any questions, please contact William KC Chan or Gabriel Lai.
  2. Prayer Walks: By encouraging support in the church building and care for our community, the church will hold prayer walks.  Brothers and sisters can participate individually or with fellowship and groups.  Please contact William KC Chan or Gabriel Lai sign-up or any questions.
  3. Saturday Morning Online Prayer Meetings is put on hold.


  1. First Virtual Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference will be held on December 31st, 2021 – January 2nd, 2022.  Theme: Refresh Recharge Renew.  The conference is free, but you need to register!  There will be 4 tracks: English Adult, Cantonese, Teens and Children.  The Children Track will be held on December 27th & 28th, 2021.  Details or registration: (Poster)
  2. Stem Cell Donation: Julian Ho, a 15 year old boy from Calgary who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), needs to have a second stem cell transplant.  If you are of Chinese descent and between age 17 to age 35, you could be the life saving match and the hope that Julian desperately needs!  Register/Details:  Pray for Julian Ho and his family.