- Speakers next week: Pastor Isaac Quan (English), Rev. David Poon (Chinese).
- Missionary PK (N.Thailand): (a) PK has contracted COVID-19, and is currently on oxygen and has pneumonia. (b) For the whole Mekong team: PK and Bob Davis (through the internet), missionaries Junji and Hitomi as well as the Khmu leaders Pat and Wandee at Changed Life Center. (c) Pray for the practical assistance in villages and factories affected by drought and then flooding in the area.
- For the church: (a) Updates from Rowena, “Pray for Vinson can pass his swallowing assessment in January. Pray for Rowena needs to make her home wheelchair accessible that Vinson can go home next year.” Also pray for Oscar, Tiffany, and Vinson’s parents. (b) William KC Chan’s thyroid. (c) Derek (Alice Chan’s son) has finished the first stage of lymphoma radiotherapy. Pray for Derek and his wife Amanda knowing God. (d) The condition of Mrs. Luk (Betty Wang’s mother) has improved; pray for the Lord’s healing. (e) Pray for Suzanne’s smooth pregnancy. (f) For the people whose jobs are affected by the pandemic. Also, pray for the brothers and sisters looking for jobs.
- Building Project: Pray for the Building Permit to be issued shortly.
- Community: Pray for the protection against the COVID-19, and pray for the government leaders as well as essential workers.
- Welcome everyone to join our online worship.
- Family Meeting will be held today at 2pm through WebEx for updating Building progress. If you have yet registered, click here: Communion: Let us prepare our hearts and souls and minds for the Lord. Please solemnly prepare unleavened bread/skyflakes/bread pieces and grape juice before the meeting today. A group photo will be taken online.
- Children’s Sunday School: On December 27th 2-3pm, instead of having our regular Children’s Sunday School, the Children’s Ministry will host a Parents-Teachers Conference. This is an important meeting in which we will share the vision of the Children’s Sunday School and review our current situation. It is important for both parents and children to attend this conference together.
- 2020 Offering: The cut-off date for 2020 offering is December 28th.
- RPG 15th Anniversary Celebration: The 15th Anniversary Celebration Night will be held online at 7:30pm on Sunday January 3rd, 2021 (WebEx: 126 211 6255). Let’s celebrate and count God’s blessings.
- City of Richmond Adopt-A-Street (Beckwith Rd.): Praise the Lord that the City is recognizing our effort on beautifying the area by posting a sign on Beckwith. Let us keep being the salt and light. If interested to join the activities, you can register here: or contact William KC Chan.
- EM Weekly Sunday Classes will begin again on January 10th from 9:00am – 10:15am followed by a group prayer time. Every third Sunday of the month a joint prayer meeting with the whole church at 10:00am will replace Sunday school class.
- EM Gatherings Zoom Meeting ID’s (updated):
- EPIC Fellowship (Teens; Fridays at 7:30p) – 683 6929 0012
- Thrive Fellowship (College to Age 24; Fridays at 7:30p) – 384 693 6909
- SFF (Young Career; Fridays at 7:30p) – 834 6473 7645
- EM Prayer Meeting (Thursdays at 8:45p) – 384 693 6909
- EM Sunday Classes (Sundays at 9:00a) – 384 693 6909
- EM Worship (Sundays at 11:00 a) – 384 693 6909
- Home-made Cloth Face Mask: Church and family members/neighbours/friends can share the love by ordering via the following link: