- Speaker next week: Rev. David Poon (English/Chinese).
- Missionaries PK (Thailand): (a) Pray for his safety in L as the border is still closed. (b) Give thanks for the fruitfulness of the evangelism work among the villages. (c) Give thanks and pray for the new staff at Changed Life Center.
- For the church: (a) The condition of Mrs. Luk (Betty Wang’s mother) has improved; pray for the Lord’s healing. (b) For Vinson’s recovery; pray for Rowena, Oscar, Tiffany, and Vinson’s parents. (c) Pray for Natalie (Loratta Tin’s daughter) smooth pregnancy. (d) For the people whose jobs are affected by the pandemic. Also, pray for the brothers and sisters looking for jobs.
- Pray for the Deacon Candidates: Pearl Lin, May Ng, and Alice Tsung. Pray that God-fearing leaders will be chosen by the Lord.
- Cloth Face Mask Team: Pray for the distribution to those in need.
- Building Project: Pray for the Building Permit to be issued shortly.
- Community: (a) Pray for the protection against the COVID-19, and pray for the government leaders as well as essential workers. (b) Pray for the families who are going back to schools in the Fall.
- Welcome everyone to join our online worship.
- Next Week Sunday Prayer Meeting (September 27th, 10am): We will have Rev. David Poon to share with us his ministry. Contact Pastor Liu ( for the prayer meeting link.
- Deacon Election: Three people have accepted as 2021-2022 deacon candidates: Pearl Lin, May Ng and Alice Tsung. Today September 20th (12:30pm to 2pm) is the last voting day. Should you need assistance, please contact the Deacon Nominating Committee during the voting times at 604-303-5831. Note that the registered name must be identical to the name used for signing in on election day. Please view Online Voting Instruction and the voting form (only open during specific times)
- Kairos Course (Zoom) is to learn about God’s heart for all nations. English: October 15th – December 10th; Cantonese: October 25th – December 20th. Fee: $99 Church members can receive a subsidy of $30. Registration with Pastor Will by October 4th. Details:
- City of Richmond Adopt-A-Street Program: We have adopted Beckwith Road where our new church site is at. Next activities will be on September 26th, October 11th, and 24th. If interested, you can register here:, or contact William KC Chan.
- The 15th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee sincerely invites brothers and sisters who have not yet joined our cell group or fellowship, to record a short video clip (with your family as a unit), to share the grace of God. Please contact Alice at for more detail.
- Home-made Cloth Face Mask: Church and family members/neighbours/friends can share the love by ordering via the following link:
- Zoom Live Worship: We will continue trying out live sermons through Zoom (Meeting ID: 384 693 6909). For now both Zoom and Youtube will be available, but our eventual goal is to transition to just Zoom. Note: We will mute everyone and ask everyone to turn off the camera when service starts, so that we do not end up streaming anyone on Youtube without consent. During sermon if the speaker asks questions or wants to interact, you can unmute yourself to answer (but keep your camera off unless you want your face to show up on Youtube). After service, we can all unmute and turn on cameras so we can have some “hang out” time.