- Speakers next week: Missionary Sam Dick (English), Wilson Chan (Chinese).
- For the church: (a) Betty Wang’s mother condition (severe dizziness and vomiting) improved; pray for the Lord’s healing. (b) For Vinson recovery; Pray for Rowena, Oscar, Tiffany, and Vinson’s parents. (c) Katherine Lam, and Natalie (Loratta Tin’s daughter), pray for smooth pregnancies. (d) For the people whose jobs are affected by the pandemic. Also, pray for the brothers and sisters looking for jobs.
- Funeral: Paul Cheung’s mother passed away on July 6th. Let us keep the Cheung’s, especially Paul’s father, in our prayers. The Funeral Service will be held on July 29th (Wednesday), 10am at Richmond Funeral Home.
- Pray for the Deacon Nominating Committee that God-fearing people will be nominated.
- Cloth Face Mask Team: Pray for the distribution to those in need.
- Building Project: Pray for the Building Permit to be issued shortly.
- Community: Pray for the protection against the COVID-19, especially since the cities are moving to Phase 3.
- Welcome everyone to join our online worship.
- Offering Records for January to June 2020 as here Offering-Jan-Jun-2020.pdf. Contact the office for corrections.
- City of Richmond Adopt the Street Program: We have adopted Beckwith Road where our new church site is at. Let us keep the area clean and safe through garbage picking and snow shoveling during snow season. This activity will be ongoing every two weeks (on either Saturdays or Sundays). The kickoff is at 5 pm on August 1st. If you can join us on a regular basis, please contact William KC Chan through WhatsApp, cell, or Email
- Baptism & Membership: Lord willing, a baptismal service will be held on August 30th at 2:30pm to 3:30pm, Place: TBD. Membership classes on July 26th, and an interview on August 12th. If you would like to move your faith to the next milestone, contact Pastor Will asap. Note that there will be no Thanksgiving baptism this year.
- Church 15th Anniversary – “Praise Lord’s Grace everlasting”: We are going to have a virtual Celebration Night on Jan 3rd, 2021. Part of the Celebration is to have brothers and sisters, cell group/fellowship as a unit, to record a 5-minute video presentation for the celebration. For details Video-Clip-Guideline-E.pdf.
- Cloth Face Mask team: If you are interested in helping, contact Becky Hui or Deborah Wong or the church office ( Order form: Phase 2 Targets: all brothers & sisters of RPGMBC and family members/neighbours/friends.
- Sermon Series in the Summer: “He’s Still Got the Whole World in His Hands” – Living in such a mad mad world these days, do we see that our Father in Heaven still has everything in control and you are still under His care? Let us grow together in July and August. Sunday sermons and daily devotions will come starting July 5th.