1. Project Schedule Update:
1.1 Our Development Permit Application had been approved at COR “Development Permit Panel” meeting on May 16th. In general, Building Permit (BP) will be issued in 2 months after the approval of DP, then we can start the construction work. If all goes well, construction period is about 8 months after the issue of Building Permit (BP).
2. Prayer Requests:
2.1 Let us all pray for the unity of our church;
2.2 Pray for church leaders, Building Development Committee (BDC) and the Professionals for this project, may God provide them with wisdom to carrying out this project;
2.3 Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications, as well as ongoing communication with COR staff;
2.4 Pray for God to prepare construction cost, pledge, main contractor and tradespersons for this project.