Building Committee Monthly Briefing on 20 May 2018

1.  Project Schedule Update

1.1  Our Development Permit Application had been approved at COR “Development Permit Panel” meeting on May 16th. In general, Building Permit (BP) will be issued in 2 months after the approval of DP, then we can start the construction work. If all goes well, construction period is about 8 months after the issue of Building Permit (BP).

2.  Prayer Requests

2.1  Let us all pray for the unity of our church;

2.2  Pray for church leaders, Building Development Committee (BDC) and the Professionals for this project, may God provide them with wisdom to carrying out this project;

2.3  Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications, as well as ongoing communication with COR staff;

2.4  Pray for God to prepare construction cost, pledge, main contractor and tradespersons for this project.