1. Building Development Committee (BDC):
1.1 Deacon Board & BDC had a meeting with Pastor Denis ( MBBC) in February regarding the increased construction cost. The meeting was good, positive & constructive. BDC will submit our Loan Application to MBBC for approval in March 2018.
1.2 Promotion Team had started a Pledge in last December and we hope to raise $ 190,000 by the end of June 2018. Up to the end of February, we had received 105 numbers of pledge forms with the total amount of $ 153,762.35.
2. Project Schedule Update:
2.1 Our Architect and BDC are actively following up with COR Planner on the approval of the “Development and Building Permits”. Circulating process within COR’s departments had been finished, however, we are still waiting for the reply from Ministry of Transport. Hoping the process will finish soon and submit for discussion at COR “Development Permit Panel” next meeting. If all goes well, construction period is about 8 months after the issue of Building Permit (BP).
2.2 In viewing to the fact that the building construction work may commence early this year, BDC has started preparatory work such as drafting of tender documents, looking for project supervisor, selection of building materials, fundraising and so on. Hoping the project can be completed on time and within budget.
3 Prayer Requests:
a Let us all pray for the unity of our church ;
b Pray for church leaders , Building Development Committee (BDC) and the Professionals for this project , may God provide them with wisdom to carrying out this project ;
c Pray for the Provincial Government & City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications , as well as ongoing communication with COR staff.
d Pray for God to prepare construction cost, pledge, main contractor and tradespersons for this project.